زبان دهم -

درس 4 زبان دهم

ℤ𝕒𝕙𝕣𝕒 :)

زبان دهم. درس 4 زبان دهم

ی داستان تخیلی کوتاه میخام به انگلیسی اگه خودتون هم بنویسید این داستان رو بفرستید چ عالی فقط تخیلی به انگلیسی باشه معرکه میدم!

جواب ها

جواب معرکه

به نام خدا داستانم رو شروع میکنم😁 The tired and worried old man was returning from the farm, and in the darkness of the night and the howling of the wind, Khatun was thinking about how to bring him a doctor from the city. He is very sick and needs a doctor. It was a long and difficult way from their village to the city and he could not walk. It was in these thoughts that the flickering light of a car suddenly turned on the dark road and broke his train of thoughts and gave warmth to the old man's eyes and revived hope in his heart. The car stopped near the old man. The old man couldn't see well, so he went closer, but he didn't find anyone inside the car. He was surprised. He stepped back when suddenly he felt something like a carcass under his feet. He pulled his leg back and looked down at his feet. In the light of the car, he noticed a body with his hand under the old man's leg, his face was bloody and unrecognizable.The old man did not know what was happening, but he thought to himself that it is better to leave the body in the car than to find someone. But as soon as he put the body in the car, the car started and left. The old man was left with a lot of unanswered questions. The old man was lost in his thoughts for a while. He suddenly realized that Khatun is very bad. I can't leave him alone for too long and he steps off the ground and leaves the road. He was passing through the forest, the sound of the awake owl and the howl of the wind were mixed together. The old man was thinking that how could this happen? He attributed these events to his own fatigue and reached the hut. The light of the hut was sticking out of the door, the old man said to himself: Why did Khatoon leave the door open at this time of night? has it gone somewhere When he entered the hut, the sound of screams filled the hut as if someone was asking for help.Bloody handprints were carved on the wall as if someone had drawn them out of resistance. The old man immediately went to the lady's room. When he opened the door of the room, he saw the room empty and bloodied, he searched the whole house for him, but he did not find him. At first, he thought that it was a fantasy, but then he realized that it was real and that the body he found on the side of the road was Khatoon's body. دستم شکست🤒

جواب معرکه


زبان دهم

Space fiction داستان فضایی هست البته تخیلیه I woke up at night. I had a strange dream. I dreamed that I had left my planet and traveled into space and reached the planet Mars, where I saw red soil. Red-red, the aliens were all around and were happy for my arrival. Fear was all over me. Suddenly I saw a person with eight eyes and eight arms and legs, who was wearing a crown and seemed to be their king. He approached me, his eyes were red, anger was pouring out of him, my eyes. I was staring at his eyes, I was about to wake up when I woke up. When I woke up, sweat covered me from head to toe, I remembered, I saw my memory box filled with light in my dream. I opened the box, there was a small white dress full of light in the box, I took the dress out of the box. The dress was very, very small, but an inner voice told me: wear this dress. This call was bothering me until I suddenly decided to wear that dress, but this dress was a doll's dress until I wore the dress. All of a sudden, the dress became big and fit my body, I don't know what happened, but this was no longer my home, it was interpreted as if I was dreaming, there was a red dress. I went and went, but there was no end to my thirst, I was dying of thirst, no matter what passed, the night would not come. Every hour seemed like a thousand years to me, until after some time it was night, I fell asleep. I slept so that my thirst and hunger would decrease. It was a long time before I woke up. It was a good dream, but I was still thirsty and hungry. To quench my thirst, I threw myself into water and fire until I thought about the clothes I was wearing. I said to myself that if this dress brought me here, it will surely satisfy my hunger and thirst. It only helps to go to space. I went and went until I met a blue ant. A cute, thin, and small ant that had found a special beauty with its unique color. But this ant had one eye and one tentacle. when he saw me He called me and said to me: 'Hurry up, come here, hurry up, come quickly and hide here.' I said to him: 'What happened?' He said: 'This dress you are wearing belongs to the ruler.' If he doesn't have this dress, he will be like a crownless king, but he has a necklace that with the magic power of this necklace still holds the power. But this dress that you are wearing now gives him strength that will bring him to the peak of power and no one will be his opponent. The ruler is looking for this dress from door to door. The king says that he was negligent and took off this dress for a while at night to reduce his body heat. But after a while, he falls asleep in bed and while sleeping, his magic dress escaped into a box and an earthling stole it from him, you must return this dress to the king or your life is in danger. I said to him, 'If it's magic, why didn't it do anything when I tried to quench my thirst?' The ant said: 'Only the ruler knows the beauty and secret of this dress.' Then the ant took me to his house. I asked him for water and

سوالات مشابه

بهار m..

درس 4 زبان دهم

. . . کارنامه ها کی میاد؟؟

amir .....

درس 4 زبان دهم

سلام اقا لطفا یکی جواب منو بده اینجا کسی است که زبانش خوب باشه چندتا سوال دارم لطفا ایدی شادم پیام بدین خیلی مهمه ami_r180 یا ایدی بدین پیام بدم ممنون

ℤ𝕒𝕙𝕣𝕒 :)

درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه ها من ی موضوع تاپیک دارم اما نمیدونم چی بنویسم درباره اش میشه یکی سریع واسم ی متن بنویسه برام ب انگلیسی درباره ی موضوعش اینه راجب دوقلوهای همسان یا ناهمسان ک کسایی ک میشناسیم بنویسیم یا تو زندگیمونه بنویسیم حتی اگه تخیلی هم باشه هر کی بنویسه بهش معرکه میدم لطفااا !🫠


درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه ها با روزی ۱۷ یا ۱۵ ساعت _۱٠.ساعت با کدوم یمشه بیشتر نتیجه گرفت تو تایم درسی؟ و میشن بگید شما عا برای کنکور و معدل بالا چیا میخوندید و تجربیاتتون چی بوده و من باید چیکار کنم و... همش استرس دارم با این که مشاوره تحصلی شخصی دارم ولی نمیدونم استرس میاد سراغم چیکار کنم و نکنم و...


درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه خا بنظرتون از همین تابساون. برم ازمون قلمیچن یا برم کلاسو ازمونا اونجا رو بدم و. سطحمو ببرم بالا بدش واسه مدرسه نیم سال دوم برم قلمیچن که چیزیبلد باشم و. بتونم تستاشو بزنم؟


درس 4 زبان دهم

یه سوال کلمه suitable رو میشه برای جمله 'موسیقی خوب و مناسب' نوشت یا فقط برای لباس و اینجور چیزا میشه؟

دخی رومخی

درس 4 زبان دهم

اسم کارنامه میاد چهار بار آب قند میخورم

hui .a

درس 4 زبان دهم

ادامه بدید ببعی چ بازی گوشیی...😂😐 فقط حوصلم سر رفته همین

hui .a

درس 4 زبان دهم

امید میخوام..:) دوست دارم تو زندگی تنوعی بدم ولی نمی‌دونم میخوام درست بخونم نمیشه اصلا یه جوریه زندگیی خسته شدم هعی:) شما در چ حالین🥲✨

محنا خالدی

درس 4 زبان دهم

دوستان معلم زبان انلاین داشتن لطفا منم معرفی کنید ایدیشو بدین تاج میدم

👨🏻‍⚕️ 🩺

درس 4 زبان دهم

هستی آرمانم.... خب امیدوارم راجبم بد فکر نکنی بن بودم و توی یکی از سوالا گفتی اعصاب ندارم و‌‌‌.... بعدشم گفتی چرا فک کنم منظورت من بودم

ghazalll sh

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بهترین فیلمی ک دیدین؟ نمیدونم چی ببینم

ari ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

درس 4 زبان دهم

پاسخنامه زبان رو ندارید؟ اقا این گروه روبیکا کو منو تو یه گروه مسخره انداختن یه دختره قفلی زده روم ک*شعر هی داره میگه

بهار 🌿

درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه ها برنامتون برای تابستون چی دهم رو کار میکنید یا یازدهم رو شروع میکنید


درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه ها واسه این که بگیم او می‌خواست باید بگیم he wanted یا he won't ?

Reyhanh 💕

درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه ها دوازدهمیا چطور برا امتحاناشون اعتراض میزنن؟

. .. ...

درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه های به روز پرسان لطفا اگه پاسخنامه رو دارید ب بنده ک نت نداشتم تا الان بفرستید با تشکر

. .. ...

درس 4 زبان دهم

پاسخنامه اومده؟

zhvan 🗿

درس 4 زبان دهم

بچه ها شما نمره درسایی که میخواین ترمیم بزنین رو سال بعد دقیقا وقتی تو همون زمان امتحان یازدهم و داریم ترمیم میزنید یا دو سال بعد وقت کنکور؟

بهار m..

درس 4 زبان دهم

من معدل نوبت اول و مستمر نوبت دوم و کلا تمام نمراتم ۲۰ فقط نهایی که نمی‌دونم شاید بیام رو ۱۶/۱۷ خیلییییی افت معدل پیدا میکنم ؟ معدل سالانم بد میشه ؟ اصلا مستمر نوبت دوم مهمه ؟؟؟